Zyprexa Diabetes Lawsuits

Written by Michael@Monheit.com - Michael Monheit, Esquire

Zyprexa coma side effects, and others like heart attacks and diabetes, are significant. In February 2004repparttar American Diabetes Association published a Consensus Statement in its Diabetes Care journal. In that statement,repparttar 142663 American Diabetes Association,repparttar 142664 American Psychiatric Association,repparttar 142665 American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists andrepparttar 142666 North American Association forrepparttar 142667 Study of Obesity, stated that data consistently shows an increased risk for diabetes in patients who are treated with Zyprexa (generic – olanzapine). Zyprexa is also associated with an increase risk of coma. The findings were based on input from drug companies, consultations with numerous experts, and reviewing medical literature.

What is Zyprexa?

* Zyprexa is an atypical antipsychotic medication that changesrepparttar 142668 chemical actions in your brain. * Zyprexa is used to treat psychotic symptoms including hallucinations, delusions, and confusion. * Zyprexa may also be used for purposes other than those listed inrepparttar 142669 medication guide.

Zyprexa Lawsuits

Written by Michael@Monheit.com - Michael Monheit, Esquire

yprexa litigation has been targeted at a number of Zyprexa side-effect problems: Some patients have reportedrepparttar Zyprexa side-effect of gaining up to 65 pounds after taking Zyprexa. Afterrepparttar 142662 weight gain some developedrepparttar 142663 Zyprexa side-effect of diabetes or glucose abnormalities. Patients who already hadrepparttar 142664 Zyprexa side-effect of theit diabetes growing worse while taking Zyprexa. Worse yet -- patients died from developing diabetes. These patients were never treated for diabetes and didn’t know they had diabetes. Patients under 54 years old, facerepparttar 142665 highest risk of developingrepparttar 142666 Zyprexa side-effect of diabetes or having heart attacks and comas when taking Zyprexa.

Have you, a family member, or dear friend been diagnosed with diabetes, diabetic ketoacidosis, hyperglycemia, pancreatitis, or diabetic-induced heart attack or coma followingrepparttar 142667 use of Zyprexa? You may want to consider Zyprexa litigation and may want to consult with a lawyer familiar with Zyprexa litigation. If so, please completerepparttar 142668 FREE no obligation consultation today.

Researchers have linked Zyprexa torepparttar 142669 side-effect of onset of diabetes, hyperglycemia, and neuroleptic malignant syndrome thereby creating enough concern and patient outcry to lead Japan, Europe, and most recentlyrepparttar 142670 United States to include warnings aboutrepparttar 142671 chronic side-effects andrepparttar 142672 sometimes-fatal Zyprexa side-effect. (Japan published safety warnings two years beforerepparttar 142673 U.S.) Consumer groups believe thatrepparttar 142674 FDA had done too little too late to warn doctors and patients aboutrepparttar 142675 risks of hyperglycemia, diabetes, ketoacidosis, heart attack, and coma from taking Zyprexa.

In November 2001,repparttar 142676 Journal ofrepparttar 142677 American Medical Association,repparttar 142678 FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, and a Duke University Medical Center physician first possibly linked betweenrepparttar 142679 Zyprexa side-effect of hyperglycemia in adolescents withrepparttar 142680 drug. FDA staff members published a report inrepparttar 142681 December 2001 American Journal of Medicine linking Zyprexa to diabetes. Both Zyprexa reports used information fromrepparttar 142682 FDA's adverse drug reaction database.

Most recently,repparttar 142683 FDA has identified at least 384 reports of diabetes linked to Zyprexa, withrepparttar 142684 majority of cases appearing within six months of starting Zyprexa treatment. This has been a major focus inrepparttar 142685 Zyprexa litigation.

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